M2 User Guide

In automatic mode, the Telescope Control System (TCS) supervises the M2 operation. There are 72 axial actuators and 6 tangential actuators in M2. M2 can do the open-loop or closed-loop control in the operation. In addition, M2 accepts the correction command of actuator forces from Main Telescope Active Optics System (MTAOS) to adjust the bending modes. Only the axial actuators are involved in the bending mode. There are 20 bending modes involved in this correction. When a new correction command is received, M2 will overwrite the previous one.

M2 can do the rigid body movement in a limited range. To do the movement, M2 should be under the closed-loop control. It will report the new position based on the readings of 78 loading cells of actuators and the home position. In addition, there are 6 independent measurement system (IMS) sensors to support an independent calculation of rigid body position compared with the previous one.

State Machine

The state machine of M2 CSC follows the state machine defined in ts_salobj module. When the CSC is in STANDBY state, there is no TCP/IP connection with the M2 controller. The TCP/IP connection is constructed when the M2 CSC transitions to DISABLED state. When the connection is on, the M2 CSC should be able to get the telemetry from the M2 controller. You can use the SAL event controllerState to get the summary state of controller. The default controller’s state is OFFLINE. When you transition the M2 CSC to ENABLED state, it will try to transition the M2 controller’s state from OFFLINE to ENABLED.

If the M2 controller is in FAULT state, the M2 CSC will be put into the FAULT state as well. When this happens, you should use the SAL command standby to transition the M2 CSC’s state from FAULT to STANDBY. In this process, the M2 CSC will try to clear the error in M2 controller first. If the error is cleared, the M2 controller’s state will be in OFFLINE. Then, the M2 CSC will disconnect from the M2 controller and transition to STANDBY state.

If the M2 CSC is not in STANDBY state and losts the TCP/IP connection with M2 controller, it will transition to FAULT state and report the related error code. You can use the SAL command standby to transtion the CSC back to STANDBY state.


The full set of commands, events, and telemetry can be found on MTM2 xml. The principal use-case for this CSC is to apply the actuator forces to adjust the bending mode. The applyForces command provides the delta accumulated force vector used in adjusting the target force settings in the closed-loop control. The resetForceOffsets commmand causes the M2 assembly zero all force offsets in the closed-loop control. The positionMirror command adjusts the mirror’s rigid body position based on LTS-136 relative from the home position. The home position can be reconfigured. The clearErrors command clear all errors in the controller.

Example Use-Case

This example discusses Commanding from Python script. Commanding from other CSCs is expected during routine operations.

After importing ts_salobj module, Remote object, a proxy for M2 CSC, is created. The salobj.set_summary_state() call is used to switch to ENABLED state.

from lsst.ts import salobj
m2 = salobj.Remote(salobj.Domain(), "MTM2")
await m2.start_task
await salobj.set_summary_state(m2, salobj.State.ENABLED, timeout=30)

In the ts_salobj v6.0.3, the user can not create the Remote object in ipython directly. Instead, you need to create an event loop by yourself and do the related instantiation. You may need to check the environment variables of LSST_DDS_PARTITION_PREFIX and LSST_SITE exist or not. For example,

import asyncio
from lsst.ts import salobj

async def create_csc():
    return salobj.Remote(salobj.Domain(), "MTM2")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
m2 = loop.run_until_complete(create_csc())

To call a M2 command, use a cmd_{nameOfCommand} property. Such as:

await m2.cmd_clearErrors.set_start(timeout=10)

Timeout is specified in seconds. The salobj.AckTimeoutError exception will be thrown if timeout seconds passed and the command is not finished. In the simulation mode, it is safe to set the timeout parameter between 15 to 30 seconds.

Default values are provided for all parameters. For example:

await m2.cmd_applyForces.set_start(timeout=10)

M2 provides methods to wait for reception of the event. Similarly to cmd handling, use a evt_{nameOfEvent} property. For example, to wait for the next summary state, call:

state = await m2.evt_summaryState.next(flush=False, timeout=30)

The next method waits for a value, returning the oldest next value (if multiple events are received). Use aget to retrieve the current value (or wait for any, if the event wasn’t yet received):

state = await m2.evt_summaryState.aget(timeout=30)

Telemetry is received using tel_ prefix instead of evt_.

Further Reading

For further details, please see: